Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Grow Your CAD Drafting Service Providers

If you work in a specialized design domain, such as aluminum composite panel assembly, HVAC duct installation, log cabin architecture or turbocharger manufacture, your CAD drafting service provider will need specialized knowledge for performing your drafting.

For instance, the drawings might have to be compatible with a CNC machine tool. This would imply a definite relationship between types of objects in the drawing and the layers in the drawing. This in turn would require the CAD drafting service provider to understand which objects to put on which layer.

Understanding which objects to put on which layer frequently calls for the draftsperson to profoundly understand your manufacturing or construction process.

The trouble is, there are very few CAD drafting service providers with ready knowledge of specialized domains. This means your choice of providers will be limited, and there is a good chance you will not be enthused by any of the firms that present themselves.

So what?s a CAD outsourcer like you to do?

Grow your own! (provider, that is?)

You?re right if you think this takes a lot of time, energy and patience. You?re wrong if you feel it will not be worth it.

Look at the advantages: we are talking about subject areas where there aren?t many good CAD drafting service providers. You take the trouble to develop one. So finally you have a good one and nobody else does.

This gives you a tremendous competitive benefit in terms of cost. While others have to use in-house, specialized draftspeople costing maybe $27 per hour, you?re cruising along at $11 per hour. Is that a killer advantage or what?!

The other big plus of growing your own provider is the loyalty that develops. Service provider loyalty is like protein to an outsourcing relationship. You need it vitally, you can?t buy it out and you have to produce it within the relationship. If you have it, you can go more miles than your nearest rival.

Which CAD service provider do you start off with? Find one your friends are using, or go online and select one with due diligence (more about that in a forthcoming article).

The motto of this story is that if you cannot find a CAD drafting service provider with the skills you need, find one that has an otherwise strong skill set. Take the time to teach them the skills, knowing all along that it is you, the outsourcer, who will reap enormous benefits as a result of the process.

To your CAD outsourcing health!

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