Monday, December 3, 2007

Do Not Become Weary in Serving the Lord

The only hope we have to survive the present and coming moral downfall of society is to continue to serve The Lord, even though it sometimes feels hopeless.

The other day I watched the news on CNC. The reporter was attacking Governor Moore from Alabama, who is fighting to have the 10 commandments put back into the Court House. Governor Moore was standing up for God, and what is right, and he was being persecuted.

On the same channel, five minutes later, there was a report on a new movie coming out. The clip advertising the movie, contained the words, ?Jesus Christ?, said as profanity! When I heard this I became discouraged. ?Evil is becoming so common?, I thought, ?How will we ever be able to keep goodness in the world? How will the Gospel of Jesus Christ ever survive??

I got down on my knees and talked to my Father-In-Heaven and told him ?the fight is too hard and I am so weak and how can I keep fighting against evil and continue to promote his goodness, with so much opposition?? It felt, to me, like those of us who believe in God, have no power, and that evil was just taking over.

As I pleaded with the Lord for answers, a thought came to my mind, which took away my worry and sadness and replaced it with a feeling of excitement, joy and of hope. I had a renewed conviction that I could endure and continue my fight for good!

The thought was this. ? You are on the right side, in the war of good and evil. You cannot loose! Remember this: Christ is coming again! You are being given the opportunity to prepare the earth for his second coming. Evil will not win out. With my help, good will win out, so keep fighting against evil and for the good. Keep doing what is right, with a sure knowledge you are doing what you should and that you will make a difference. You don?t need to worry. Good, which is God, will win out in the end. Satan is strong and having his time now, but he will be stopped, and when he is stopped, you will be on the right side, and you will know the Savior, when he comes.? This answer to my prayer and the understanding I received from my Father-in-Heaven brought me comfort.

For those of you who do feel despair, do not become weary in serving The Lord. It is our only hope. I know God The Father and His Son Jesus Christ are in control and we don?t need to worry. We may find it hard to hang on and do the right thing but we must not give up, because God is with us and He needs our help. We are fighting for the right, and will have the strength and help we need to keep going.

With God on our side we can fight evil and bring goodness to our world. We can endure to the end and be numbered among the righteous who will be present at the Savior?s glorious return!

Eva Fry is an author, singer/songwriter and motivational speaker. She had a ten year volunteer program at Juvenile Hall called "Be a Winner in Life" She has three books "You Must Have a Dream" for seniors, "Be a Winner in Life" for kids, troubled kids and their parents, and Letters from Juvenile Hall, Kids Helping Kids" - for all kinds, especially those who are locked up and to help kids from being locked up. She started writing and songwriting at the age of 60. Her goal is to encourage seniors to reach their potential and help kids do the same. She has six CD's which are spiritually based and inspire young and old. She is avilable as a speaker or performer. Her work is available on her web site Eva Fry - ( She has many free articles on her web site)

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